Sunday 31 October 2010


Hallelujah!  I'm out of jail. My bad leg was so-o-o-o much better this week, I was allowed out into a thing called a round-pen at the Vets.  I was incredibly well behaved at first but then me and Mum heard some other horses go past and we freaked.  Talk about speed!  We galloped round and round like there was no tomorrow.  When Lisa heard us, she came running over but it was too late: I'd hurt my leg again in all the excitement. 

The next day, Harry came to the Vets in a land rover and trailer.  Mum went up a ramp and actually inside the trailer.  I did too - after a bit of a discussion.  Next thing I knew, we were moving along a road and next after that we'd stopped and were let out into a field full of grass.  At last!  I thought this day would never come.  And what a place! Mountains, trees, a stream, grass.  Lots of grass.  I could get used to this.

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